I. Deadlines and scope.
The contest opens its call on February 1, 2021 and closes on March 1 of the same year at 23:59 (Argentine time).
II. Participation.
Anyone, from anywhere in the world, can participate. They may submit one photograph per registration (if you want to send more than one, you must pay the registration of each photograph).
The photographs should be sent to certamenesinternacionales2021@gmail.com, in a zip or rar folder, google drive link, or download link, with the subject CERTAMEN MUJER ÁRBOL. Personal data and proof of payment of registration fee or screenshot that corroborate said payment must be attached.
Also, each photograph must have a title and an evaluation of the photograph presented in relation to the subject, Word or PDF format, with no character limit.
Required data: Name and surname; nationality; contact number; WRITTEN JUSTIFICATION.
Photographs must be in JPG or PNG format. With a maximum of 3000x3000px / 300dpi.
Each photograph will fall into one or more categories. It will be the organization's task to evaluate in which category / s each work falls.
The categories are:
· Art
· Fashion
· Documentary film
· Journalism
· Landscape
III. Registration fee.
Each photograph will have a registration value of 4 USD
The registration fee can be paid through the following PayPal link: https://paypal.me/certamenes?locale.x=es_XC
IV. Awards and jury decision.
Each registered photograph participates in the contest. There will be no pre-selection. Up to six winners will be selected for each category.
The jury's decision will be announced on the official website and via email to all participants on March 20, 2021.
The jury's decision will be final and may be considered a desert category if it so decides.
Creativity, dedication, technique, image quality and originality will be evaluated.
V. Final considerations.
The mere fact of participating in the contest implies acceptance of these rules. The organization assumes that the contestants are the authors of the submitted works and any legal problem with respect to the copyright of the images belongs to the contestants.
The organization respects the authorship of the images. You may not keep any except for the time the winners are broadcast.
The winning photographs will be presented on the page for a limited time.
Pay your registration fee here: